Serving Others While Serving Yourself

Happy Summer Friends!

While honoring those who serve to protect our freedom this Memorial Day, I started thinking about all the other ways people serve our country and our local community every day. I began wondering: How can I serve people more? What opportunities do I have in my business or daily life to serve others? If everyone woke up and saw the world through the lens of "how can I serve today”, what would the impact be? Pretty powerful, I would imagine.

Kris McLaughlin Mindful Agent

I’ve definitely lived with a definition of service as something that takes a lot of time and energy. A real commitment often bringing with it some sacrifice. But I started to realize that I can serve strangers, acquaintances, friends, clients, peers and business partners every day by holding space for them. I can share the love and energy that already flows through me on a daily basis without need for sacrificing my own energy or well-being. It’s as simple as being a listener with no judgement, a mirror that helps with self-discovery, a cheerleader with no agenda, or a resource that fills a need.

With that being said, I wanted to share two opportunities that may serve you as they have served me. Two of my fantastic friends are offering services that help with self-love, self-awareness, support you in achieving new goals, and enhance your mental and physical body. They have each created a special offer for you. The details are below, just let them know where you found them!

With gratitude,

The Little Dot Project
Born out of love, The Little Dot Project—created by Kris Kainess—serves to support you with any individual goals you want to set. It could be anything from drinking more water or waking up at a certain time to specific fitness or business goals. The cool thing is that every month you reset and you can start a new helpful habit for yourself or dive deeper into what you have been working on. I have found it really helps keep me focused and has me taking action on the things I thought about doing all the time but never did anything about. Plus, for $5 per month it’s a screaming deal for the connection and support you receive.

More from Kris Kainess:
Anyone who wants to invite more love into their life through a great new habit is invited to join. Great habits fill your cup, and when your cup is full it tends to spill on the family, friends and community around you. Forbes shared a statistic that only 8% of people keep their New Year’s Resolutions. Why? Because most people keep all their wonderful ideas inside, and it’s easy to let ourselves down. My brain pictures all those lovely intentions floating around, abandoned. Today, the opportunity is yours. Together, we are going to fill up on love and spill it everywhere. It’s about to get beautifully messy. Picture a fun little habit app on your phone, but the only difference is that you are connecting with a real person. Me. Just like an app would do, I will check in with you to see how your habit is coming along. During the month, I also hope to bring inspiration and my big Midwestern heart to your world.

Fueled by a passion for fitness, Heidi provides fun and challenging workouts with an ever positive attitude. No matter your fitness level, she will create a customized program based on your goals. Even better? She can bring the gym to you. Because she has a deep level of education and experience, she travels with equipment that creates a smart workout right in the comfort of your own home. Her love of yoga weaves through her workouts combining the mental and the physical for a total mind/body experience. She has trained me for many years and is a fun and positive light in my world. She is offering you 1/2 off —> $40 for your first session and that includes a full fitness evaluation.

More from Heidi:
A great workout doesn’t require big gym only requires you! With my in-home personal training, I bring the workout to you so you can exercise in the comfort of your home while getting the results you want with a customized program. Alternatively, if you want to introduce some yoga in your life—whether you are new to yoga or you've been practicing for many moons—rolling out your mat in the comfort of your home is a lovely way to practice. Each session will be unique to your needs, whether you are hoping to improve flexibility, gain strength, or explore the spiritual side of yoga through guided meditation.